
An Introduction to Healthiest Dried Fruits

Dried fruits can be divided into two levels, namely the advantages and disadvantages levels. Some dieters and bodybuilders may declare that dried fruits may be unhealthy to some extent because the excess sugar incorporated on the dried fruits. The following article will focus on out writing that misconception by portraying the healthiest dried fruits categories in relation to the health benefits extended by the said fruits. The first fruits we are going to analysis in the healthiest dried fruits is the prunes. 

Although prunes do not belong to the most popular bulk dried fruits, it contains rich fiber which has a special effect to constipation and that is reason why it is well received among people. However, did you know that this is not the only aspect of health as basis on our topical discussion? In accordance to health specialists and nutritionists, the antioxidant nature in prunes is what makes them the leading oxygen absorbance products making them sources of antioxidant compounds. The resultant benefit is that damage to your brain cells is hindered as cholesterol accumulation is inhibited as the required oxidization does take place evenly. This makes prunes top our list in the healthiest dried fruits that one can eat category. 

The other fruit category on our topical study would be raisins. Raisins are known as the carrier of major health related benefits. However, do you have a clear idea about raisins? Raisins are dried grapes through remove water from grapes and they provide health related benefits that concentrated grapes would provide. Mostly prunes are known to be dried European plums which bring the bigger difference between prunes and raisins. Back to the subject, why are they regarded as some of the healthiest dried fruits? Just like prunes, when comes to presenting body benefit as antioxidants, raisins are quite outstanding. This means scientifically, they have a higher value as phenols. Fresh berries may not be considered to have more antioxidant results than raisins which do make them a better source for potassium and iron contents. 

Another mode of peach halves that could fit in our healthiest dried fruit list is the not very famous goji berries; they are noted to have strong antioxidant results which help in the protection of the cells against DNA damage. They are made up of dietary fibers, amino acids as well as vitamin C, although there have been claims that these kind of dried fruits may cure cancer, most health experts have voted out those rumors. 

The dried figs are at the end of the healthiest dried fruits, although there are not a lot of benefits with regards to figs, and they act as replacements to candy in accordance with health specialists. Sugar is very important to the body and sometimes you may find that you need sugar kick. In cases like this, you could decide to take figs instead of normal candy. They are highly rich in calcium which is useful in body health especially in bones growth. Dried figs are also a good choice and they help you get potassium that has effect on maintaining blood pressure.


The Advantages of Investing In the Peanut Roasting Machine

Who can really overemphasize the importance of peanuts? The peanuts are very nutritious in protein and today, they are perhaps the best source for vegetable oil that is rich in the essential fatty acids - Omega 3 and 6. In addition, they contain a pack of ant oxidation agents that will keep age at bay. Here is good news for you that you can enjoy the above mentioned nutrients from peanut oil or whole peanuts. By the way, the peanut roasting machine is vital because usually peanuts have lots of moisture and therefore this machine reduce and make nuts fit for consumption. When the moisture level is reduced, then the peanuts can be stored for a long time. The good thing is that at AGICO, the peanuts processing line includes the best roasters that process food fit for human consumption.


The peanut roasting machine is simple going by its looks but there is nothing simple about it. It is built with efficiency and functionality in mind. That is why it features the rolling drum as its main ideal of working to make sure that all the peanuts are roasted evenly. The main medium for roasting the peanuts is hot air, which is radiated evenly by the machine. As well as roast peanuts, this roaster can also be used to roast other products like legumes, sunflower seeds and so forth. For someone looking for the perfect investment opportunity, then this is it. Food is a top seller any time and therefore you can never be wrong with a food processing investment.

AGICO food processing equipments are known for their sturdiness. You should just see the peanut roasting machine and you will know that it can withstand a lot of abuse. It is not only going to make you money for a long time without breaking down but it will also save money because it does not consume a lot of electricity. This power efficiency is not found in many brand names, no matter how much you look around you. There are big and small groundnut machines for different budgets. However, the small and big machines share many things and one of them is that the machines are very simple to maintain because their replaceable parts do not cost much. With an ever-expanding market for peanuts and peanut oil, this machine will assure you of high returns. 

The peanut roaster is a peanut cutter machine. It does not only roast peanuts but it can roast many more nuts and legumes reducing their moisture content a great deal. This machine also has automatic temperature control. Perhaps this is the easiest one to operate among all the food-processing machines in the market today. It is every hygienic and the food that it process is fit to meet even international standards. Remember that AGICO is recognized and accredited by the highest standard organizations. Among the other foods that can be processed by the peanut roasting machine are coffee beans, horse beans, melon seeds and chestnut to mention just a few of them. The peanut roaster machine in AGICO is worthy for you spent money.